Friday, November 14, 2008

Classmates Commentary

While reading through my classmate’s blogs I came upon A Smorgasbord of Politics original commentary about the Presidential election. I was very intrigued by the various points she made and how similar her views are to my own.

I strongly agree that a good many people in America vote or support an individual candidate based largely on that candidate’s race, gender, or physical appearance, particularly in our most recent presidential race. I am very pleased to have witnesses our nation’s first African American President be elected, however just because of his skin color it does not mean he is automatically going to bring about change. What will bring about change is his policies and how successful they are, these have no connection to race.

I found the idea of an anonymous election very insightful. It would be nice to have a process that eliminated any exterior biases in the voter’s minds to ensure that the absolute best candidate with the best policies would win and not the best looking candidate. I know a lot of people that look and talk very convincingly, but they are actually just full of malarkey. However as my classmate pointed out this would be extremely difficult to achieve. Even if some form of hybrid election process was created I don’t really have any confidence that it would be instated any time soon based on how willing our government is to update certain facets to changing times.

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