Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Perry Warns Texans

The big news story of today was President Obama’s signing of the $787 billion stimulus package, however not everyone is thrilled to see this passed. Texas Governor Rick Perry has previously voiced opposition to the stimulus package, and today when news broke of the signing about to take place Perry offered a warning to all Texans: be cautious with federal stimulus.

Governor Perry worries about the commitments that might come with taking money for certain programs. Perry states “we need the freedom to pick and choose. And we need the freedom to say 'No thanks.' ” While state officials still figure out what the stimulus bill means for Texas it is apparent that there is potentially some very beneficial aspects of the package. Texas could possibly receive $2.5 billion for transportation projects, however it is unclear at this time whether that will happen or not.

As the nuts and bolts of the stimulus package are unveiled it will be important for Texans to keep up with how it will affect our state. Although the economic down turn has not affected Texas as severely as other states the possibility still remains. However the money that Texas may receive from the stimulus package could stave off any further economic duress.

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