Thursday, April 16, 2009

Response to classmate's blog

While sifting through my classmate's articles I came across Bob Law's article about trans-fats. In the article Mr. Law makes an argument in favor of a bill that would ban restaurants, in the state of Texas, from selling foods with trans-fats. I do agree that banning trans-fats in restaurants could help reduce the obesity level in our state. However, I believe this would be a great infringement on our freedom. Yes it would be wise for restaurants to have nutritional information available to the public so they can make an educated decision on what to eat, but for the government to make a decision for the consumer is absurd. If the government is going to ban trans-fats then they might as well ban tobacco because it caused cancer, ban alcohol because it can cause kidney disease, and ban products containing lead because it is thought to cause birth defects. It should be up to the individual what they eat, if they chose to eat unhealthy then so be it. I do not believe that our society's increasing obesity levels are the fault of the food industry. There are healthy alternatives to fried chicken. The majority of obesity is a personal choice, it is not the fault of anyone other than the individual. Banning trans-fats in restaurants isn't going to change the fact that people are not willing to put forth the effort to be healthy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting about the 'trans-fat' law proposed. I know the FDA is now in charge of tobacco in the U.S. I was wondering when the gov't was going to get around to regulating everything that is deemed 'bad' for us.

This is a great way to remove personal responsibility for anything. Let's eat, drink, smoke, file bankruptcy, drive our companies into the ground and be merry all the way to the morgue!

Why am I not really any happier about my life now that I have no decisions to make?