Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain is Out

The article I chose, Is John McCain Losing It?, by Robert Parry touches on Senator McCain’s performance at the third debate and examines why he is already out of the presidential race. I believe Parry hit the nail on the head with this article. McCain showed the signs of defeat in the third debate.

I very much agree with Parry’s statement that McCain “appears to lacks a sense of balance or even reality.” It amazed me that John McCain would claim that he is the “victim” of negative attacks when his running mate is making ridiculous statements and even McCain’s supporters are making absurd remarks about killing Obama at his campaign rallies. As for Sarah Palin it appears she does know how to speak, she just doesn’t know how to think before doing so. To associate Obama with terrorists is very inappropriate especially these days with the bitter taste from 9-11 still remaining in the public’s mouth. John McCain lost a great deal of face value with me by not refuting these remarks. The remarks against John McCain have been minor compared to what has been said about Obama, McCain’s claim as the “victim” looks like a last desperate attempt at some sympathy votes.

I found the section of the article entitled Defensiveness very interesting. Prior to reading this article I had heard of John McCain’s temper however I had not yet seen an example of this. During the third debate it appeared that McCain was visibly angered. I would not consider hotheadedness a good trait for president. The leader of the Free World should not be flying off the handle and making rash decisions.

Going into this presidential race I would have given the upper hand to McCain based on his experience. However I believe McCain has made an enormous amount of tactical errors and in doing so essentially locked up the win for Obama.

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